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June 06, 2023 | Offences against a person

Reference: F-2023-01535


Request 1
How many incidents of Adolescent to Parent Violence and/or Abuse (APVA) or Child to Parent Violence (CPV) were recorded by the PSNI in the calendar years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Request 2
If there is no set definition of APVA on police systems, please provide all crimes recorded involving children/adolescents against their parents.

Request 3
Please provide this for those aged under 19 using the relationship codes for daughter/step daughter or son/stepson.

Request 4
Please provide any disclosable details of the crimes recorded - for example spitting, pulling hair, name calling.

Request 5
Where possible can you provide the ages of the adolescent and whether they were male or female.

Incidents of Adolescent to Parent Abuse