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September 28, 2022 | Crime/Incident Statistics

Reference: FOI - 2022 - 00341


Request 1a
How many reports of injury to a child under 18 were reported in total to the force between 1 Jan 2020
and 31 December 2021? Please can I have the data broken down by month and year.

Request 1b
Please indicate where these reports were tagged as a domestic incident or having happened within a
domestic setting.

Request 1c
Please can you specify the initial classification of the crime type (including offence classification
code) and what the outcome was for all the reports e.g. charge, no action

Request 1d
Of the above, please can you also provide a breakdown of the reports by type of injury, ethnicity, and
the age groups 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-17. Please prioritise age groups or skip this question and move to
question 2 if it will exceed the time limit.

Request 2a
How many reports of injury to a child under 18 were reported in total to the force in the calendar
years 2018 and 2019? Please can I have the data broken down by year.

Request 2b
Please indicate where these reports were tagged as a domestic incident.