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September 28, 2022 | Organisational Information

Reference: FOI-2022-00284


You sought the following information from PSNI:
“In relation to the settlement agreed by both the MOD and PSNI in the Miami Showband civil action in December 2021, can you please answer the following:

Request 1
Why was the PSNI co-joined with the MOD when there is no clear evidence of wrong-doing by any police officer?

Request 2
What percentage of the compensation was paid by the PSNI?

Request 3
Has the NI Department of Justice had any briefing from the Chief Constable on why it was necessary for a portion of the PSNI's budget to be paid in damages in this case?

Request 4
If so, when did this briefing take place?

Request 5
If the damages were paid due to unsubstantiated claims that Robin Jackson was both a police agent at the time and involved in the atrocity, were the Special Branch records located and examined before any payment from the public purse was made?”
