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July 24, 2020 | Organisational Information

Reference: F-2020-01917


Request 1

Regarding the loss of Chinook HC Mk2 on 2 June 1994, killing 29 including ten RUC officers. Background: The RAF Air Staff have stated that 'police or security services' removed personal electronic devices, such as laptops and phones, from the scene. They were not made available to investigators, and MoD has no details of what the devices were. Could you please say if RUC officers attended the scene and, if they did, how many, by what means, when they arrived, and when they departed?

Request 2

Did they remove, or assist in the removal, of said devices?

Request 3

If so, where are the devices now, and could you provide details of them (not their content, which I accept is classified). For example, 'Orange' or 'One to One' phones.


Mull of Kintyre Accident June 1994