January 04, 2023 | Police/Staff Misconduct and Complaints
Reference: F-2022-03040
Request 1
The number of police officers within your force who have been subject to a complaint of rape or sexual assault between 2016 and 2021 and were serving at the time the complaint was made.
Request 2
In respect of each complaint, please answer the following questions:
a) In what calendar year was the complaint lodged?
b) What rank was the officer in question?
c) Was the complaint dealt with by local resolution?
d) If so, was management action taken as a result?
e) Did the complaint result in a misconduct meeting?
f) If so, what was the outcome? For example, was the officer found to have committed misconduct or gross misconduct?
g) Was the officer dismissed as a result of the complaint?
h) Has the officer resigned or retired since the complaint was made?
i) Did the complaint result in a criminal investigation?
j) If so, was the officer subsequently i) arrested and ii) charged?