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September 16, 2021 | HR Employment and Other


Request 1

Recruitment statistics 2020. I am aware that not all of your assessment centres have taken place but if possible could you please provide the following. The number of people who have attended an assessment centre to date.

Request 2

The number of candidates still awaiting an assessment centre appointment.

Request 3

The number of people who have been successful at the assessment centre stage.

Request 4

The number of people who have been unsuccessful at the assessment stage.

Request 5

The number of candidates who have withdrawn their application or have not attended their assessment centre.

Request 6

How many candidates have already progressed to the PSNI managed stages from the 2020 recruitment campaign.

Request 7

If the information is available, when does the PSNI plan to begin to progress more candidates through the PSNI manages stages.


Recruitment Statistics 2020