June 06, 2023 | Other and Multiple Crime/Incident types
Reference: F-2023-01408
Request 1
In the last 5 years, how many reports has your police force received of incidents of people sleeping, staying, or living in a car, van, or other vehicle?
Please provide this information broken down year-by-year since April 2018 EG:
1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019
1st April 2019 - 31st March 2020
1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021
1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022
1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023
Request 2
In the same period, how many reports did the police force receive of people squatting in private or public buildings, sleeping, staying, or living outdoors in tents, in outbuildings eg sheds, or any other temporary outside structure (eg a hut).
Please provide this information broken down year-by-year since April 2018 EG:
1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019
1st April 2019 - 31st March 2020
1st April 2020 - 31st March 2021
1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022
1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023
If possible, please do not include multiple reports of the same incident e.g. 3 separate calls about the same person sleeping in a car.