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July 17, 2020 | Organisational Information

Reference: F-2020-01247


Request 1
Please provide data on the number of times officers in your force have used Tasers on children aged 17 years old and younger.

Request 2
Please can this be broken down by year (i) 2017, (ii) 2018, (iii) 2019, and (iv) 2020, to date

Request 3
Please can this data be further broken down by: (a) age; (b) ethnicity; (c) category of highest use (i.e. Drawn, Aimed, Arched, Red Dotted, Drive Stun, Angled Drive Stun and Fired); (d) reason for use; and (e) location of use (i.e. in police custody, in public, etc.?)


Use of Tasers on Children Aged 17 and Under

Use of Tasers on Children Aged 17 and Under Attachment