Today, Monday 16th January, a 69 year old man from the Ballycastle area was sentenced at Newry Crown Court for a number of offences including indecent assault, attempted rape and rape.
Maurice Rodgers was sentenced to 18 years. He will serve nine years in custody and nine years on licence. He will be placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.
Detective Superintendent Lindsay Fisher said: “The actions of this man are nothing short of horrific. He took advantage of young girls to satisfy his own sexual perversions.
“He is a highly manipulative individual who today publicly answered for his reprehensible crimes.
“We would like to thank the victims in this case, now grown women, for their courage in coming forward and working with detectives. Today their voices were heard.
"We have specially trained officers who work closely with victims throughout the criminal justice process. If you have ever experienced or witnessed any form of sexual abuse we urge you to come forward.
“We will listen to you and help you. You don’t have to suffer in silence. Please contact us on 101 or in an emergency call 999.”