Police officers in Derry City & Strabane responded to 2,143 calls in the month of September.
That’s an average of 71 calls each day across the District.
Superintendent Michael O’Loan said: “Response policing is a challenging and busy job in which our officers strive to keep communities safe and assist vulnerable people in times of personal crisis.
“Of the calls officers responded to in September, 168 required an emergency response.
“372 were in relation to welfare concerns for people across the District. Additionally, 127 of the total calls responded to were domestic-related.
“During the month, officers made 218 arrests, including 25 in relation to driving while unfit through drugs or alcohol. 16 of the people arrested for these offences were charged to appear before Court. September also saw 16 arrests made for drug-related crime.
“In total, 211 criminal justice outcomes were secured, including 136 people charged to Court, while 37 summons’, one Juvenile Caution, and 37 Community Resolution Notices were issued.
“We should never lose sight that behind each call to us is a human story, which our officers seek to positively impact upon. If you find yourself in a situation where you need our assistance, call us. We are here to help.”
Focus on response policing 'a challenging and busy job'
- 20 October 2022
Derry City & Strabane
Superintendent Michael O'Loan , Derry City & StrabaneResponse policing is a challenging and busy job in which our officers strive to keep communities safe and assist vulnerable people in times of personal crisis.