Detectives from our Major Investigation Team launched Operation Begrain, an investigation into the clinical practices of Michael Watt, former Consultant Neurologist on Tuesday, 28th November 2023.
Michael Watt worked for the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, and also held private clinics at Hillsborough Private Clinic and the Ulster Independent Clinic. We are appealing to former patients, or their next of kin and representatives, who wish to report concerns regarding their medical treatment by Michael Watt, to contact police.
To make this as easy as possible, we have ensured there are a number of ways that people can report their concerns.
We would encourage you to use the online reporting form in the major incident public portal where possible, as it will guide you through the questions we need answered and is available 24 hours a day. It is the quickest and easiest way to report.
However, anyone unable to use the online reporting facility, can make a phone call. The number to call is 028 3025 9200, and a voicemail facility is in place. Simply leave your contact details and a member of the team will get back to you.
You can also email the investigation team in relation to Operation Begrain at [email protected] for general queries.
In the weeks following your report, you will receive an email from the investigation team explaining how you can contact them in the future and outlining to you what the next steps will be.