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Newtownabbey LNPT cover the following wards: Abbey, Ballyclare East, Ballyclare West, Ballyduff, Ballyhenry, Ballynure, Ballyrobert, Burnthill, Carnmoney, Collinbridge, Doagh, Fairview, Glebe, Glengormley, Hightown, Jordanstown, Mallusk, Monkstown, Mossley, O'Neill, Rathcoole, Rostulla, Valley and Whitehouse.

Newtownabbey LNPT Inspector and Sergeants. 
Newtownabbey LNPT Inspector and SergeantsMobile Number
LNPT Inspector Cullen07917 548632
LNPT Sergeant Neill07802 232490
LNPT Sergeant McAleese07899 921683


Newtownabbey LNPT Officers and Contact Numbers. 
Newtownabbey LNPT Officers
WardOfficersMobile number
AbbeyConstable Lee07816 350882
Constable Gribben07500 786953
Constable Hennessey07827 919731
Constable Crothers07584 269298
Ballyclare EastConstable Dougan07795 806312
Constable Henderson07917 656817
Ballyclare WestConstable Dougan07795 806312
Constable Henderson07917 656817
BallyduffConstable Boyd07917 605539
Constable Wallace07825 129291
BallyhenryConstable Garrett07929 748702
Constable Curlett 07917 602491
BallynureConstable Dougan07795 806312
Constable Henderson07917 565817
BallyrobertConstable Dougan07795 806312
Constable Henderson07917 565817
BurnthillConstable Garrett07929 748702
Constable Curlett 07917 602491
CarnmoneyConstable Garrett07929 748702
Constable Curlett 07917 602491
Carnmoney HillConstable Lee07816 350882
Constable Hennessey07827 919731
Constable Gribbin07500 786953
Constable Crothers07584 269298
CollinbridgeConstable Garrett07929 748702
Constable Curlett 07917 602491
DoaghConstable Dougan07795 806312
Constable Henderson07917 565817
FairviewConstable Boyd07917 605539
Constable Crothers07584 269298
Constable Wallace07825 129291
GlebeConstable Garrett07929 748702
Constable Curlett 07917 602491
GlengormleyConstable Garrett07929 748702
Constable Curlett 07917 602491
HightownConstable Garrett07929 748702
Constable Curlett 07917 602491
JordanstownConstable Boyd07917 605539
Constable Wallace07825 129291
MalluskConstable Garrett07929 748702
Constable Curlett07917 602491
MonkstownConstable Boyd07917 605539
Constable Wallace07825 129291
MossleyConstable Boyd07917 605539
Constable Crothers07584 269298
Constable Wallace07825 129291
O'NeillConstable Lee07816 350882
Constable Hennessey07827 919731
Constable Gribbin07500 786953
Constable Crothers07584 269298
RathcooleConstable Lee07816 350882
Constable Hennessey07827 919731
Constable Gribbin07500 786953
Constable Crothers07584 269298
RostullaConstable Boyd07917 605539
Constable Wallace07825 129291
ValleyConstable Lee07816 350882
Constable Hennessey07827 919731
Constable Gribbin07500 786953
Constable Crothers07584 269298
WhitehouseConstable Lee07816 350882
Constable Hennessey07827 919731
Constable Gribbin07500 786953
Constable Crothers07584 269298