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Strand Road LNPT cover the following wards: Skeoge, Shantallow East, Shantallow, Galliagh, Culmore, Carn Hill, Slievekirk, New Buildings, Enagh, Eglinton, Claudy, Springtown, Northland, Madam's Bank, Foyle Springs, Ballymagroarty, Sheriff's Mountain, Creggan South, Creggan, City Walls, Brandywell, Victoria, Lisnagelvin, Kilfennan, Ebrington, Drumahoe, Clondermot and Caw.

Strand Road, Ballyarnett LNPT Inspector and Sergeants
Ballyarnett LNPT Inspector and SergeantsMobile Number
LNPT Inspector Robb07920 164282
LNPT Sergeant McCollum07796 464540
LNPT Sergeant Johnston 07747 815849


Strand Road, Ballyarnett LNPT Officers and Contact Numbers
Ballyarnett LNPT Officers and Contact Numbers



Mobile Number

Carn HillConstable Austin07585 979440
Constable Walder07825 224678
CulmoreConstable Whyte 07833 052656
Constable Milling07557 807226
Constable Leonard07585 979108
GalliaghConstable Rutledge07584 337367
Constable Murphy07796 282824
Constable McKeeman07917 376938
ShantallowConstable Austin07585 979440
Constable Martin07775 433638
Shantallow EastConstable McConaghy07585 705867
Constable Evans 07796 545050
SkeogeConstable Cupples07866 066557
Constable Atkinson07900 211698
Constable Whyte 07833 052656
Constable Milling07557 807226
Constable McCracken07798 637550


Strand Road, Waterside LNPT Inspector and Sergeants
Waterside LNPT Inspector and SergeantsMobile Number
LNPT Inspector Spence07764 320382
LNPT Sergeant Campbell07867 473625
LNPT Sergeant Gurney 07717 616168


Waterside LNPT Officers and Contact Numbers



Mobile Number

CawConstable Brown07780 463002
Constable Mailey 07971 936258
Constable Moody07717 496280
ClaudyConstable Merron07825 013434
Constable Parker07787 164544
Constable Barr07825 213653
ClondermotConstable Anthony 07557 807289
Constable McGurk 07796 323536
Constable McMurray07920 187028
DrumahoeConstable Merron07825 013434
Constable Parker07787 164544
Constable Barr07825 213653
EbringtonConstable Brown07780 463002
Constable Mailey 07971 936258
Constable Moody07717 496280
EglintonConstable Donnelly 07825 589604
Constable Gillan  07971 935453
Constable Palmer 07584 669037
EnaghConstable Donnelly 07825 589604
Constable Gillan  07971 935453
Constable Palmer 07584 669037
KilfennanConstable Brown07780 463002
Constable Mailey 07971 936258
Constable Moody07717 496280
LisnagelvinConstable Brown07780 463002
Constable Mailey 07971 936258
Constable Moody07717 496280
New BuildingsConstable Merron07825 013434
Constable Parker07787 164544
Constable Barr07825 213653
SlievekirkConstable Merron07825 013434
Constable Parker07787 164544
Constable Barr07825 213653
VictoriaConstable Anthony 07557 807289
Constable McGurk 07796 323536
Constable McMurray07920 187028


Strand Road, Foyleside and The Moor LNPT Inspector and Sergeants
Foyleside and The Moor LNPT Inspector and SergeantsMobile Number
LNPT Inspector Gahan07585 979439
LNPT Sergeant Walsh07795 575253
LNPT Sergeant Moore07393 144110
LNPT Sergeant Stewart07802 925916


Strand Road, Foyleside and The Moor LNPT Officers and Contact Numbers
Foyleside and The Moor LNPT Officers and Contact numbers



Mobile Number

BallymagroartyConstable Toner07833 224988
BrandywellConstable Waddell07787 143858
Constable White07825 221729
Constable Nelson  07971 933027
City WallsConstable Mallon07585 979387
Constable Bannon07881 270968
Constable Lowry07929 171086
Constable Devlin07393 143887
Constable Bingham07802 926141
CregganConstable Millar07825 179209
Constable Brudell07827 361136
Constable McGrath07500 904285
Creggan SouthConstable Fisher07825 399592
Constable Doherty07393 144086
Foyle SpringsConstable Fleming07812 281013
Madam's BankConstable Nicholl07793 960533
NorthlandConstable O'Kane07795 803968
Constable Rainey07833 728141
Sheriff's MountainConstable Cameron07584 246368
SpringtownConstable Faure07920 164783