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Lisburn Rural NPT cover the following wards: Stoneyford, Glenavy, Maghaberry, Ballinderry, White Mountain, Moira, Hillsborough, Lagan, Maze, Blaris, Hillhall, Drumbo, Ravarnet, Ballymacbrennan, Dromara. 

Call 999/101 if you are reporting a crime. 

Lisburn Rural NPT Inspectors and SergeantsMobile Number
NPT Sergeant Marsh07585 700668


WardOfficersMobile Number
BallinderryConstable McManus078272 95417
BallymacbrennanConstable Connelly075859 79116
BlarisConstable McAlister078251 61339
Constable Ross073931 44115
KillultaghConstable Wilson077869 17804
Downshire WestConstable Ross073931 44115
Downshire EastConstable Connolly075859 79116
DromaraConstable Connolly075859 79116
DrumboConstable Connolly075859 79116
GlenavyConstable Wilson077869 17804
HillhallConstable Connolly075859 79116
HillsboroughConstable McAlister078251 61339
Constable Ross073931 44115
LaganConstable McAlister078251 61339
Constable Ross073931 44115
MaghaberryConstable McManus078272 95417
MazeConstable McAlister078251 61339
Constable Ross073931 44115
MoiraConstable McAlister078251 61339
Constable Ross073931 44115
RavarnetConstable Connolly075859 79116
StonyfordConstable Wilson077869 17804
White MountainConstable McManus078272 95417