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Magherafelt LNPT cover the following wards: Ballymaguigan, Bellaghy, Castledawson, Coolshinny, Draperstown, Glebe, Lissan, Lower Glenshane, Maghera, Swatragh, Tamlaght O'Crilly, The Loup, Tobermore, Town Parks East, Upperlands and Valley.

Magherafelt LNPT Inspector and Sergeants
Magherafelt LNPT Inspector and SergeantsMobile Number
LNPT Inspector Ross 07747 758013
LNPT Sergeant Robinson07796 030101


Magherafelt LNPT Officers and contact numbers
Magherafelt LNPT Officers and contact numbers
WardOfficersMobile number
BallymaguiganConstable Findlay07795 595758
BellaghyConstable Findlay07795 595758
CastledawsonConstable Findlay07795 595758
CoolshinyConstable Hamilton07795 615163
Constable Redmond07825 134946
DraperstownConstable Devechhis07786 988187
GlebeConstable Hamilton07795 615163
Constable Redmond07825 134946
Lissan Constable Wilson07393 144026
Lower GlenshaneConstable Devechhis07786 988187
MagheraConstable Murray07917 384886
Constable Quinn07795 607384
SwatraghConstable Murray07917 384886
Constable Quinn07795 607384
Tamlaght O'CrillyConstable Murray07917 384886
Constable Quinn07795 607384
The LoupConstable Wilson07393 144026
TobermoreConstable Quinn07795 607384
Town Parks EastConstable Hamilton07795 615163
Constable Redmond07825 134946
UpperlandsConstable Murray07917 384886
Constable Quinn07795 607384
ValleyConstable Murray07917 384886
Constable Quinn07795 607384