Magherafelt LNPT cover the following wards: Ballymaguigan, Bellaghy, Castledawson, Coolshinny, Draperstown, Glebe, Lissan, Lower Glenshane, Maghera, Swatragh, Tamlaght O'Crilly, The Loup, Tobermore, Town Parks East, Upperlands and Valley.
Magherafelt LNPT Inspector and Sergeants | Mobile Number |
LNPT Inspector Ross | 07747 758013 |
LNPT Sergeant Robinson | 07796 030101 |
Magherafelt LNPT Officers and contact numbers | ||
Ward | Officers | Mobile number |
Ballymaguigan | Constable Findlay | 07795 595758 |
Bellaghy | Constable Findlay | 07795 595758 |
Castledawson | Constable Findlay | 07795 595758 |
Coolshiny | Constable Hamilton | 07795 615163 |
Constable Redmond | 07825 134946 | |
Draperstown | Constable Devechhis | 07786 988187 |
Glebe | Constable Hamilton | 07795 615163 |
Constable Redmond | 07825 134946 | |
Lissan | Constable Wilson | 07393 144026 |
Lower Glenshane | Constable Devechhis | 07786 988187 |
Maghera | Constable Murray | 07917 384886 |
Constable Quinn | 07795 607384 | |
Swatragh | Constable Murray | 07917 384886 |
Constable Quinn | 07795 607384 | |
Tamlaght O'Crilly | Constable Murray | 07917 384886 |
Constable Quinn | 07795 607384 | |
The Loup | Constable Wilson | 07393 144026 |
Tobermore | Constable Quinn | 07795 607384 |
Town Parks East | Constable Hamilton | 07795 615163 |
Constable Redmond | 07825 134946 | |
Upperlands | Constable Murray | 07917 384886 |
Constable Quinn | 07795 607384 | |
Valley | Constable Murray | 07917 384886 |
Constable Quinn | 07795 607384 |