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Downpatrick LNPT cover the following wards: Ballydugan, Ballynahinch, Ballyward, Castlewellan, Cathedral, Crossgar and Killyleagh, Derryboy, Drumaness, Dundrum, Kilmore, Knocknashinna, Lecale, Murlough, Quoile, Saintfield and Strangford.

Downpatrick LNPT Inspector and Sergeants
Downpatrick LNPT Inspector and SergeantsMobile Number
LNPT Inspector Hardy07795 152343
LNPT Sergeant Cochrane07825 136467
LNPT Sergeant Dunn07557 261930


Downpatrick LNPT Officers and contact numbers
Downpatrick LNPT Officers and contact numbers
WardOfficersMobile number
BallyduganConstable Law07557 965756
BallynahinchConstable Gibson07500 016917
BallywardConstable Cameron07825 813563
Constable Adair07500 062736
CastlewellanConstable Adair07500 062736
Constable Cameron07825 813563
CathedralConstable Leeman07825 156923
Crossgar and KillyleaghConstable Moorehead07825 013443
DerryboyConstable Gordon07795 673156
DrumanessConstable Moorhead07825 013443
DundrumConstable Law07557 965756
KilmoreConstable Weir07825 712609
KnocknashinnaConstable Boyd07801 738595
Constable Price07584 208385
LecaleConstable Rice07827 012922
QuoileConstable McMahon07742 537533
SaintfieldConstable Gordon07795 673156
StrangfordConstable Rice07827 012922