Local Policing is one of the largest departments within the Police Service, comprising frontline officers and specialist staff. Headed by Assistant Chief Constable Bobby Singleton who is based in Headquarters, they are responsible for Keeping People Safe across our 11 Policing Districts, which mirror District Council boundaries.

Local Policing
Local Policing
Each District has dedicated Local Policing Response Teams (LPRTs) and Local Neighbourhood Policing Teams (LNPTs) working to protect people in our communities, prevent crime and detect offenders through Policing with the Community.
Across Northern Ireland there are 26 LPRTs. These teams respond to calls, conduct investigations, and deal with community problems. Officers have been assigned geographic ownership of a particular area and are expected to build up an in-depth knowledge of that area.
There are also 34 LNPTs based in areas where there are higher levels of crime and deprivation, rural isolation or where there is a particular policing need. These officers provide an additional, dedicated, policing presence in communities where it is most needed. They will build long term relationships, address complex anti-social behaviour problems, investigate local crime and help communities resolve conflicts.
Officers in Districts are supported by an Area coordinating tier covering Belfast, North Area and South Area. Operational planning and other functions, such as tasking and coordination are based within the three areas, they coordinate resources, help deal with local priorities and identify emerging threats, risks and harm.
Area tiers are located in Belfast, Banbridge and Ballymoney and have the ability to muster and move resources to where the need is greatest on a daily basis. This approach allows us to use officers and staff more flexibly and ensure we keep people safe across all our Districts, as well as providing local accountability and effective partnership working.
In our Local Policing section you can find out more about our districts.
The following functions also sit within Assistant Chief Constable Bobby Singleton’s remit in Local Policing:
- Strategic Partnerships and Prevention
- Local policing support