As an organisation we hold a large amount of data in order to do our jobs. We know that in today's high technology environment, the threats to information systems from criminals and terrorists are increasing. In order to share the data with those that need it and protect it from those that don’t, information security and records management are fundamental to how the police manage many of the challenges faced in policing today. It is vital for maintaining public confidence and for the safe and secure conduct of operations and services.
Without robust information assurance governance and processes, there is a significant risk of compromise, potentially leading to the facilitation of crime, public safety issues, hindrance to investigations, financial loss, damage to organisational reputation and, consequently, a reduction in confidence from the public and partners.
Information assurance provides the mechanism by which the police service identifies risk and satisfies itself, the public and partners that security arrangements are fit for purpose and that identified risks are managed effectively, collectively and proportionately. It underpins all areas of policing in support of the policing requirement to keep people safe and legal requirements.
Records Management Unit
Records Management is the term used to describe a function by which the organisation seeks to control the receipt, creation, use, retrieval, storage, and preservation or disposal of its records.
The Records Management Unit are in place to advise and guide the Service towards corporate and consistent records management practices, thereby mitigating risk, and ensuring legislative compliance.
All records in the organisation are governed by the Police Service of Northern Ireland Records Retention and Disposal Schedule (RRD Schedule), which sets out the appraisal, retention, and disposal timeframes by business area. The Schedule is a Statutory Instrument under the Public Records Act (Northern Ireland) 1923.