Here you can read the Police Service of Northern Ireland manual of policy, procedure and guidance on conflict management.
Conflict Management Manual
Chapter 8 Access to Firearms and Ammunition
Chapter 8 Access to Firearms and Ammunition
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Chapter 10 Personal Issue Handguns, Heckler and Koch Weapons and Specialist Munitions
Chapter 11 AEP (Firearms Incidents - Less Lethal)
Chapter 11 AEP (Firearms Incidents Less Lethal)
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Chapter 12 Conductive Energy Devices - under review
Appendix C Protection against Corrosive Fluids
Appendix C Protection against Corrosive Fluids
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Appendix E Positional Asphyxia and Acute Behavioural Disturbance
Appendix F Core Skills Related to Firearms Capability - under review
Appendix G Use of Police Vehicles and Public Order Screens in Situations of Public Disorder
Appendix IThe Provision of First Aid During Planned Events, Anticipated Public Disorder and Spontaneous Incidents
Appendix J Requirements for the Early Reporting to the NIPB on Police Discharge of AEP
Appendix K Evidence Gathering Teams - Public Order Events
Appendix L The Use of AEP above ground and from the Modified RCV9000 Water Cannon to Reduce the Threat of Loss of Life or Serious Injury from Individuals at Height - (under review)
Appendix M Relevant Health and Safety Legislation
Appendix M Relevant Health and Safety Legislation
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