June 06, 2023 | Other and Multiple Crime/Incident types
Reference: F-2023-01378
Clarification to Requester
Our records are not kept electronically or in any searchable format prior to 2016, and in order for us to comply with your request would be overcost. Within cost, we can provide the information you seek from 2016 – present day. Would you like us to process this request from 2016 - present day?
Clarification from Requester
Yes could you please supply the information from the date you have specified 2016 to present day.
Request 1
How many children in Northern Ireland have gone missing since 2016 to present day?
Request 2
How many of the above number have been found?
Request 3
How many of the above number are still missing?
Request 4
How many of the above still missing are open cases?
Request 5
How many of the above still missing, has the case been closed?