For all flights travelling to or from Northern Ireland from within the Common Travel Area (CTA), a General Aviation Report must be submitted.
General Aviation Procedures
Aviation Legislation, General Aviation Reports and Procedures
Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, specifically Section 12 (3) (b), requires the captain/pilot of an aircraft to give at least 12 hours notice, in writing to the Police Service of Northern Ireland, for all flights arriving at, or departing from, any undesignated port in Northern Ireland if it is travelling to, or has travelled from, any other part of the Common Travel Area (CTA).
- This means that any flight that crosses from one part of the CTA into another will require the submission of a General Aviation Report (GAR) to both the Police Service and the National Customs Unit.
- The CTA is made up of Great Britain, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
- An undesignated port is described as one where a captain or pilot could not reasonably expect to be met by the Police Service or Border Force. There are only three designated airports in Northern Ireland: Belfast International Airport, Belfast City Airport and City of Derry Airport.
- Please note it is an offence to fail to comply with this regulation.
If your flight arrives in or departs from a DESIGNATED airport there is NO REQUIREMENT to submit a General Aviation Report.
If your flight does not leave Northern Ireland then you do not need to notify the Police Service.
While the Police Service of Northern Ireland works closely with other agencies, in particular Border Force, it does not forward on any GAR notifications to these agencies on your behalf. It is your responsibility to submit your GAR directly to them.
Please note: Other electronic applications are available which allow you to complete and submit your GAR to both Police and the National Customs Unit at the same time. Submissions made by such applications are accepted as meeting your legal requirements of notification.
Completed General Aviation Reports
Completed General Aviation Reports should be sent to:
Police Service of Northern Ireland
Regional Control Desk
Police Headquarters
65 Knock Road
Email: [email protected]
National Customs Unit
Email: [email protected]