A 29 year old man has been sentenced to ten and a half years in prison after stabbing two people in Belfast city centre in July 2022.

Derek McOwen had pleaded guilty to guilty to two counts of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and to a charge of possessing a bladed article in a public place at a previous hearing at Belfast Crown Court.

Detective Sergeant McGearty said: "McOwen indiscriminately attacked two strangers, one in Bedford Street and the other in Amelia Street, during the early hours of the morning on 7 July 2022. Both men sustained extremely serious injuries which required extensive medical treatment.

In addition to the significant custodial sentence handed down, he was also given a three year extended licence to be served upon his release from prison. 

The sentence given today reflects the seriousness of the offending and the severity of the injuries inflicted and I hope the victims can take some sense of comfort from knowing their attacker will not be free for a very long time."