One of the police officers - dealing with anti-social behaviour off the Westlink in west Belfast – sustained a significant head injury last night, Thursday 5th September.
Groups of young people were involved in altercations with each other last night, Thursday 5th September at around 8.30pm. Some were seen running onto the dual carriageway. Local Neighbourhood officers attended, however, during the course of their enquiries bricks were thrown in their direction.
The officer (pictured below) was struck by a piece of masonry which resulted in a significant head injury requiring hospital treatment. He has returned home to his family, injured and is now unfit to work while he recovers.

Police remained in the area throughout the evening and no further incidents were reported.
Chief Inspector Claire Hamilton said: "My thoughts are with our colleague who has our full support as he recovers from this injury. Our officers were attending to bring order to this situation and protect these young people from harm as they were running through traffic.
“Attacks and assaults on us will not be tolerated and should be condemned by all. We deal with difficult situations every day and are here to help. Assaults on police officers will not be tolerated and will never accepted as being ‘part of the job’.
“In regards to this report in the Westlink, I am appealing to parents to know where your children are and do all you can to stop them becoming involved in anti-social behaviour.
"Officers continue to work alongside partner agencies, local representatives and the community to find collaborative and proactive solutions to address the problem.
"We are committed to working towards a solution and welcome any information from the public and local elected representatives to inform what we are doing. Our officers will continue to provide a visible policing presence throughout west Belfast.
“Anyone with information from last night, if you witnessed what was happening in the Distillery Court area at around 8.30pm or if you have dash-cam footage, call us on 101.”
You can also report online at or information can be provided to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.