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Armed Policing Policy - 07/10/2021

Officers of the Police Service of Northern Ireland shall, so far as possible, apply non violent means before resorting to the use of force including the use of firearms.

Counter Terrorism Policy - 16/05/2022

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to protecting the people of Northern Ireland from terrorist attacks. Threats from terrorism include Northern Ireland Related Terrorism and International Terrorism.

Criminal Justice Policy - 11/02/2022

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to working collaboratively with key partners to improve the quality and effectiveness of the Criminal Justice process, reducing delay and supporting victims and witnesses of crime.

Custody Policy - 31/05/2018

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to ensuring that it complies fully with its legal obligations in relation to persons in police custody.

Custody 31 May 2018

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Emergency Planning Policy - 07/09/2021

An emergency is defined as ‘an event or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare or the environment’. Effective planning for emergencies keeps people safe by preparing for the response to, and recovery from, emergencies in collaboration with partners.

Environmental Management - 19/04/2018

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to protecting the environment whilst delivering continuous environmental improvement.

Finance Policy - 08/08/2023

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to the highest standards of financial

Health and Safety Policy -14/01/2025

The Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) regard health and safety as an integral part of their management function and all of our people, irrespective of grade or rank, are expected to play a full role in securing the objective of this Policy. The Police Service of Northern Ireland and NIPB also acknowledge the important role of the staff associations in achieving these aims and will maintain full and effective consultation.

Human Resources Policy - 26/01/2022

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to promoting a good and harmonious environment where all police officers and staff feel that they are consulted, recognised and supported to deliver the highest standard of service to the public.

Information Management Policy - 25/08/2021

The Police Service of Northern Ireland will meet its responsibilities by managing information which it holds in accordance with our legal and ethical obligations.

Intelligence Management Policy - 31/01/2022

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to the highest standards of intelligence management and recognises its importance in Keeping People Safe.

Investigations Policy - 24/04/2023

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to conducting effective investigations, contributing to how we Keep People Safe. 

Organisational Security Policy - 10/10/2016

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to protecting the personal security of people and the physical security of the police estate.

Police Search Policy - 10/10/2016

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to carrying out searches in accordance with legislation, relevant Codes of Practice, Human Rights considerations, and best practice.

Policing the Roads Policy - 10/10/2016

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to providing the highest standard of policing on our roads, in order to make them safer; and to detect and deter criminals.

Professional Standards Policy

The Police Service of Northern Ireland understands the need to maintain public trust and confidence in the integrity and impartiality of our Service.

Public Safety and Public Order Policy - 10/10/2016

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to preventing harm, protecting people and detecting crime by delivering policing in a lawful, proportionate, justifiable and accountable manner.

Risk Management and Governance Policy - 01/08/2022

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and risk management and acknowledges that it has a responsibility to abide by the Principles of Conduct Underpinning Public Life (The Nolan Principles).

Specialist Support to Investigations - 17/01/2023

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to preventing harm, protecting people and detecting crime. Specialist Operations Branch will provide professional and effective specialist support, in compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory responsibilities, to achieve this aim. Human Rights considerations will be central to all of our actions and decision making.

Strategic Communications & Engagement - 31/07/2023

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to engaging with our communities, in an open and transparent way, to enhance community safety and build public confidence in policing.

Training, Leadership and Development Policy - 10/1/2016

The Police Service of Northern Ireland is committed to providing quality training, education and development for all staff, enabling them to perform their roles effectively
and deliver on the core purpose of Keeping People Safe.

Vulnerability Policy - 28/04/2023

Protecting vulnerable people is a priority for the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The Police Service of Northern Ireland follows the national definition of a vulnerable person which is – a person is vulnerable if, as a result of their situation or circumstances, they are unable to take care of or protect themselves or others from harm or exploitation.